Business & Spiritual Development Course Bundle

"I cannot rave enough about Rachel and her Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp.
If you are in a job you don't love, at all confused about what you're supposed to do with your life, interested in working for yourself and exploring your psychic side I strongly encourage you to check this out!"

Rebecca, Firelily Healing Arts

scbbscreenshot1Dear Soul-Centered Seeker,

Your time is now.

You've had the knowing all of your life that you are special, that you are destined for greatness, and that any struggle you've had is only temporary.

And guess what, you were right.

You are here on Earth to make an impact.

You are multi-talented and multi-passionate.

You’re here to share your gifts and insights with the world.

You feel that stirring inside of you that you are capable of more.



Doing more, being more, having more.

And I know this because you’re like me. You want to live fully.

You want to experience yourself at your peak.

You also don’t want to have to live in poverty to accomplish that.


You have amazing skills that you know the world would benefit from.

You have had visions of what this would look like, but you can see no path to getting there.

You’ve known how amazing you are for so long that there have been lots of ideas, lots of plans, but you don't know how to make this practical.


You're thinking, "can I really pull this off?"


"Isn't is frivolous to think I can help people and also support myself doing it? Is that selfish?"

Well, let me tell you...You've been guided here for a reason.

This new program I'm offering to you walks you step by step through the process of aligning with your highest mission, and living as your most amazing and abundant self.



ALL while staying 100% authentic.

Intuitive Art Academy
Deana Hoover -

“The best thing that has happened to me since I started the Soul Centered Business Bootcamp is that I have greatly increased my confidence in doing things my own way. I had become exhausted and discouraged trying to do what I thought I was supposed to do, rather than finding and creating my own path. I’ve become reinvigorated!”

Intuitive Art Academy
Stephanie Clark - Holistic Health & Wellness CT

“I went from talking to doing. I learned that being different and maybe even a little weird can be a good thing. Especially in this world filled with cookie cutter therapists. I learned to connect and strengthen my gifts so that I could better serve my clients. My heart centered business is thriving because of it. I went from dreaming about having a practice to having one, now I have an office in a wellness center, am teaching classes, seeing clients, and got hired as a health coach for a international company. I have never been happier in my life.”

Holistic Health & Wellness CT

Intuitive Art Academy
Marie J. Taylor - Urban Earth Mother

“Working with Rachel is so refreshing. It’s like getting a clear mirror to stare into that sees parts that you don’t notice because they are always there, lots of coaches say they can help you with getting that sort of clarity, but Rachel can do it without imposing some business construct sales model on you or a skewed perspective. She is one of the rare Female coaches of our time who holds space well enough to allow you to discover what is right for you for THIS moment.

So my business felt like a scattered jigsaw with so many skills abilities and passions but no picture on the box to follow. Many many other coaches I had paid to help me solve this problem and the underlying reasons causing me to find it difficult to resolve. So I’m a tricky customer to impress if I’m being totally honest. We spent the day before Christmas Eve opening and unfolding the layers of all the things I had going on.

The result, is that now I have the picture on the box to refer to. And it doesn’t restrict me but actually gives me a hook on which I can hang all of my diverse areas of expertise. But even more important, I have been able to accept myself and my business as I am, it’s not important for me to have ‘made six figures’ this year, what has been important is being able to seize the amazing life I have, be really present to it, because I know how I’m moving forward I’m not concerned about making success happen, it’s already there, time sort of just needs to catch up with it, if you know what I mean?

I’m so glad I discovered Rachel. And
now I help more people because of it.”

Urban Earth Mother

Visionary Artist & Business Woman, Laura Hollick & Me

Failing to act on what you know in your heart is your true purpose for being on Earth leads to depression, degenerating health, lost income, lost confidence and so much more.


(Read that line again)


  • If you want to actually become the version of you that is in full impact mode and is loving life...
  • The you that doesn’t worry because she knows she can handle anything...
  • The you that knows that she is serving humanity in the most perfect way possible...
  • The you that is confident she’s using her gifts and touching lives - including her own...

If you want that for yourself, then read on.

scbbscreenshot5In the Psychic Life & Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp Membership Program we’ll move you from simply being a visionary, to offering yourself to the world in the most streamlined, soul-centered way there is.

When you leverage the power of your soul, you magnetize the perfect clients to you with ease and you get to experience the abundance that really exists in this universe.

An abundance of time, money, love, peace, and health can be yours when you start doing, from the intersection of your personality self and your soul.

At the end of our time together, you will know what your Soul-Centered Offer is and how to share that with the world in a way that magnetizes clients to you.

And yes, you can do this!

  • You can do this because in reading this letter, you can start to see the pieces coming together.
  • Your inner confidence is just dying to come up and out of you - and you can feel it.
  • You’re ready because you are finally willing to do what it takes to move forward.
  • You are ready because there are no more excuses that will keep you from living the life you deserve and that will positively impact others.
  • You are ready, because you are HERE.

Let's get started!

This program will teach you everything you need to know to create a business that supports and fulfills you to the core of your being.

carouselanimals-300x199I guide you through the process of merging your unique soul talents, gifts, experience, and expertise with your current life situation - all your training, your preferences, and your personality strengths to create your very first offering to the world - or your very next offering if you’re looking to take your business to the next level.

But that's not all...there is a PLAYGROUND full of personal, psychic, and business development courses, meditations, ebooks, and more.

To get you there - we'll go through these six steps:

StepConnect to Infinite Wisdom

Your higher self communicates to you through the body. You have access to INFINITE wisdom through this channel. Connect here and you'll always know what to do to move you towards greater abundance and happiness.


Step (1)Leverage Your Soul

Your soul has millions and millions of years of training, expertise, and experience that you can take advantage of now. Tapping into this power and using it to backup your current offering will greatly enhance your results. Think about it - you wouldn't train for a marathon and then walk, right? Don't leave all of your soul expertise on the table.


Step (2)Remove Your Resistance

If you didn't have beliefs in place that contradict what you are seeking, you'd be at your destination already. We all have resistance, and the key to moving forward is knowing how to handle it.


Step (3)Create Your Signature Offer

When you combine your soul's expertise with your real world training & personality, you get your signature offer. This is a highly leveraged service or product that carries the power of your soul behind it for maximum magnetism to your ideal clients.


Step (4)Build Confidence & Course Correct

Every new offer needs testing and tweaking. In this step, you do a trial run and get feedback from others and yourself. The results show you where you need better alignment. Doing this will help you feel more confident in your work and appear authentic and effortless to others.


Step (5)Broadcast & Receive Clients

Get the word out about your new offer and create pathways for new clients to come in. This is the step where you get paid for doing your soul-centered work. It feels great!

bigstock-Laptop-with-red-heart-in-woman-48699554-300x196The Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp is an intensive and immersive experience. That means you get to spend your time IN the vibration of that high-impact version of you from the moment you sign up. This is experiential and transformational.

Yes, you design an offer and marketing that magnetizes your ideal clients to you. Yes, you learn the business side of living your purpose, but it’s truly the inner work that creates the biggest shift. The inner work allows the universe to deliver your abundance. Don’t take my word for it, either.

Intuitive Art Academy
Ute L.

“I am deliberately initiating a major change in my life and really wanted a different perspective on whether this is the direction I should take. The soul gifts revealed an aspect of myself that I had totally denied to date, even though I had felt nudges that I could not explain. I now feel so much support behind me in stepping onto my new path. Thank you so much, Rachel, for taking away a veil and facilitating clarity in my life.”

Intuitive Art Academy
Patty Adamik - Wildly Thriving Wise Woman & Everyday Shaman

“Before working with Rachel I was in a state of confusion - changing my focus from hands-on body-work to coaching and finding a niche. I spent a lot of time spinning my wheels doing things that I thought I 'should' do based on other people's advice and basically going nowhere. I now have clarity about who I am meant to serve, confidence in building a program and a wealth of practical information about how to do it on a technical level as well. I am actually looking forward to doing the bootcamp again with my new clarity and focus, I know I will get even more out of it. My business is now set-up to be joyful, sustainable and profitable.”

Wildly Thriving Wise Woman & Everyday Shaman

Intuitive Art Academy
Jane Morba

“Thank you, Rachel, for the Bootcamp experience and private readings. You are such an intuitive person and I gained a lot of positive momentum in my brand and offerings. I connected to the Goddess and Feminine part of my services and gained much more success with my soul based feminine business.

Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp provided a beautiful container for expanding and growing my services. I loved working with Rachel and will continue to be in touch for more exciting videos and offerings she freely imparts on her clients. I am so happy to have discovered her! She is a beautiful person -- full of heart and desire to truly help her clients grow.

She is the real deal!”

If you dive in and implement the trainings, you can expect to see each of these results & more: 

  • Clarity of Purpose
  • Development of Your Signature Offer
  • Ability to get Reliable Psychic Information
  • Strong Higher Self Connection
  • In-Depth Knowledge of Your Soul
  • Ability to Market Your Business Effectively
  • Magnetize Your Ideal Clients
  • Harness the "High Impact You" Vibration
  • Create, Implement, & Embody from Your Highest Expression
  • Create Amazing Copywriting with Ease
  • Fun & Joy Working in & on Your Business
  • Earn INCOME from Working with Amazing Clients
Intuitive Art Academy

“I knew that if I personally worked on me, it would rub off on my business – and it did! I feel more connected to me, I have new tools to help me make decisions, and I landed an amazing new client! The extra income actually paid for the program.”

Starboard Digital

What you get:

On-Demand Content

6 full core areas of content are ready for you immediately after joining.

Coaching Call Archive

Get inspiration and your questions answered by listening to the past coaching calls.

Members Forum

Talk with like-minded people and share inspiration in the forum.

Psychic Development Courses

Classes teaching you how to see auras, meet your spirit guides, and more.

Business Development Classes

Learn how to make Profitable Decisions, create Energetic Copywriting, Launch your program and much more.

Block-Busting Ebooks

Feeling stuck? Let these ebooks ease you out of it.

Guided Meditations

Benefit from several guided meditations in the areas of Health, Wealth, and Soul Connection

Accountability Journal

Track your progress and keep on the path by using this tool.

Complete Content Archive

Get access to my past classes, interviews & calls.

Intuitive Art Academy
H. R.

“My favorite part was being able to hear what my soul gifts are. This may be specific to me because I’m one of those lost, wandering people looking for purpose and direction in life. Knowing my gifts is affirmation of purpose, gives permission to be in my head in a creative way, and offers strength to move in that direction. The concept of learning my soul gifts is, to me, like a privilege of secret knowledge being shared.

I get that I need to feel my emotions in order to clear them so I can move forward with focus. It was unsettling because of all the visceral fears drawn to the surface. But being given the tools to move forward (tapping into intuition and emotional clearing) provides encouragement, motivation, and optimism. Another impact was that I experienced that a sense of immense acceptance, love and joy is possible.”

Intuitive Art Academy
S. Muller - Spen Muller Helped Me

“Rachel has helped me to overcome many obstacles in my life including self imposed limitations, fear, shortsightedness, and much more that was hindering my personal success in life, love and the world at large. Her insight has lead me to places I never thought I would go and am very glad that I did. She is an invaluable asset to anyone in honest need of assistance with life.”

Spen Muller Helped Me

Course Descriptions & Details:

The following courses are included:


Become the BIG You Transformation Guide

Living from this “BIG” you doesn’t only transform your business, it up-levels your friendships, intimate relationships, your personal style, your environment, your health, and every other area of life you can think of. This transformation system consists of videos, checklists, and audio content that will radically improve your quality of life when implemented. Bad habits will fall away and you will become more connected with the true you. This system is ONLY available through the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp at this time.

(Value: $697)

Scavenger Hunt For Your Soul

In this 5 module home study course, you’ll find your purpose and connect with your spiritual core. Using tools such as your natal chart, numerology, childhood intelligence, guided meditations & more, you will uncover your soul’s gifts, talents & life purpose. You’ll be confronted with your original life plan and will be able to connect very deeply with your reason for being alive now. It’s an incredible class packed with content and revelation.

(Value: $497)



Profitable Decision Making

No more questioning your own judgment, no more wondering what to do. Now you can make confident decisions with ease. This training will connect you with your higher self & walk you through the process of authentic & profitable decision making. You’ll learn how to channel your higher wisdom and get reliable answers every time.

(Value: $197)

Energetic Copywriting

You will learn to create your copy from a connected, flow state. This means little or no effort is involved. You will learn to channel from the “High Impact You” all that you need written for your business: website copy, about page, invitation letter, program materials, etc. Audio training, templates and prompts are provided.

(Value: $297)



Psychic Development for Beginners

In this 6 week class you will learn to develop your intuitive ability to see auras, spirits, and the universal energy surrounding us all. You will be introduced to channeling energy with intuitive drawing and accessing the realms of the past and present while connecting with your spirit guides. You will also learn to increase the ability to access your higher expanded self on demand and use your intuition/psychic senses in your everyday life.

(Value: $297)

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “I have two favorite parts in the Psychic Development Course. Connecting to my higher self and the intuitive drawing. I have more confidence relying on my intuition. I really enjoyed this class!!
    Thank you!”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “It was fun and less mysterious. Your uncomplicated and "just do it" approach helps make it possible. I would recommend this class.”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “I feel more in touch with my higher self! You explained everything very well and I learned a lot.
    Thank you very much!”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “I'm far more open, more relaxed and handle stress better now. Thank you.”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “It was a lot of fun!!”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “Thanks…I loved the class and can’t wait to do more!”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “I agree, that was lot’s of fun and and I found the group energy really helpful in getting my intuition flowing. Thank you all.”

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “It was very interesting and enlightening. My daughter said it was the best Birthday present ever! Thank you all!”

And these extras, too:


Done For You Resources

Prepared checklists, templates and scripts to assist you in implementing and launching your new offer. These will save you countless hours and missed steps. They are truly priceless!

Recordings of Past Calls

You don’t have to try to remember everything, in fact, it’s not advisable that you do. Past coaching and Q&A calls are recorded for you.


And lots of other courses!


Momentum Builder

Embody Your Purpose

I Love Abundance

Creating Videos in iMovie

Creating Profitable Classes

The Psychic Lifestyle

Channel Your Spirit Guides

Open Your Money Channel

Enhance Your Psychic Senses

Going Evergreen

Opt-in Page Basics

Sales Page Basics

Intuitive Art Academy

“Rachel is the only business coach who has changed my life in just one phone call.

Now I'm all set to embark on a path that would actually feed my soul.”

Are you ready to start living your purpose?

scbbscreenshot10My commitment to you is true and my system for getting you results is real. Don’t spend another minute in confusion or misery. Don’t waste years and thousands of dollars on a pathway that won’t leave you satisfied. There are no wrong choices, but why go the long way when the path to clarity and success is right in front of you?

I know that you are ready to Live Your Purpose, Save Years of Trial & Error, Save Thousands of Mis-spent Dollars, Overcome Your Obstacles to Success, and Get Crystal Clear about Your Soul-Centered Offer.

Tell yourself that you are ready by signing up today.

Bonus: Free Soul Gifts Reading!

Every option below comes with a free Soul Gifts Reading by Rachel Archelaus.

You'll receive a list of attributes and themes that you wanted to work with in this lifetime. This can help you feel validated and make it easier to truly value yourself.

So many of us came in with skills and talents that we intended on using in our work. Yet we can feel like we didn't "earn" it and disvalue our natural competency. 

This Soul Gifts email reading can save you years of overcompensating and make your soul-centered journey much more joyful!


Choose your investment option:

Monthly Access

Get it all for 1 Month


per month, cancel anytime

Includes one month of access to the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp and to all of the courses listed above.

1 Year Access

Save Money Option


per year, cancel anytime

Includes one year of access the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp and to all courses listed above.

Yearly Access Paid Monthly

Monthly Payments for 1 Year


per month, 12 month minimum

Includes one year of access the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp and to all courses listed above.

Why am I sharing this program with you?


I am sharing this with you because I’ve been down the road of not sharing my gifts & my true self with the world and guess what? I was miserable!

I went to a job every day that I was great at but didn’t get a lot of joy out of. I was really devoted to doing my best but it wasn’t really a fit for me and my bosses knew it.

Now imagine the opposite of that. A job where you are fully in your zone of amazingness! A job that challenges you keeps you engaged and where you don’t even look at the clock because you’re so engrossed in what you’re doing.

I figured out how to achieve that reality for myself though many, many years of trial and error and investing thousands of dollars in coaches and training. And by aligning my business with my personal preferences and leveraging my unique soul gifts.

Now I LOVE what I do and who I get to spend time with as clients. And I Love seeing the results that we all achieve using this formula.

This formula has been coming “through” me long before I realized what I was doing. Here’s what it looked like in the beginning:

Since I was in grade school I’ve been steering people in the direction of their Soul-Centered work. (yes it’s embarrassingly true! I used to make my friends sign contracts so that when they got rich they’d give me part of the credit).

In my early days as a professional psychic I had a natural skill for telling people what job or business they would really thrive in. I knew what they were “meant” for. I would consult with their spirit guides and their akashic records and often keep them from making a totally different choice!

Now you can benefit from this talent because each member of the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp gets a free Soul Gifts Reading. You'll get clarity in your first week leaving plenty of time to build your new purposeful business.

Case Study: Kae's Decision Point

One woman in particular was Kae. She came in knowing she needed a change. Her current life was draining her, she was uninspired, and had a gray outlook on the future. She was thinking hard about what she’d like to do next. She had an interest in herbalism and thought that the best thing to do would be to open a tea shop.

Somewhere people could come and relax, and restore themselves with custom blended herbal tea. Now that sounds wonderful, but it wasn’t right for her.

I asked her spirit guide what he thought of this and he showed me a painted leaf.

scbbscreenshot14The details were remarkable. It had three colors of green, and the leaf was so stylized that it appeared distinct. I drew the leaf and described the color to my client and waited for her response. I’d never met this woman before, so I didn’t know if she painted at all!

It turns out she LOVED to paint. She was also very talented at it. Until then, she was stuck in a more formal style and wasn’t getting the enjoyment out of it that was possible. When she went home after our session, she immediately freed herself from the “shoulds” of painting and let loose. A few weeks later, she came back and handed me a print of a painting. On it, was the exact leaf her spirit guide had showed me.

I was floored. Take a look for yourself.

That client went on to show and sell her paintings and prints. The joy she now felt as she created from her soul and got the recognition she deserved was unparalleled in her life before. She really became a new person. She became the BIG version of herself. That happened in 2007 and she is still painting and evolving in joy.

Claudia's Story

Claudia-21The day I found Rachel online I was looking for a workshop I could take from home. I was looking for somebody out there who could help me find my way professionally. I’m Mexican, but I live in the Czech Republic and sometimes feel outside of their culture. I’d worked in advertising for over 10 years, was an Art Director, and I got to the point I felt stuck. I hated my job. I cried every day. Every project was a nightmare and I couldn’t be creative anymore. I was finally fired, the first time in my life... that was my biggest fear and it felt awesome! I felt it was the right thing, and I said thank you to the universe.

I wasn't sure this would work. I mean, taking lessons from someone I don't know and send money as well? My boyfriend questioned why I was investing in someone I didn’t know at all. I had never cared about these things before. But I trusted my YES and SO many incredible things have followed!

When I started working with Rachel, I didn’t actually have a business. I was developing an alternative business… something that could make me happy and relaxed – a potential escape from a job I hated. After being fired, I decided to create a new massage business with the skills I’d acquired 2 years before. I learned from Rachel that we all have a gift to share with the world, something we have always done easily. For me, those gifts were massage and graphic arts.

Since I decided to trust fully in my gifts, I have been having people coming to massage who feel really good! They are returning clients who recommend me to friends. When I give massage, my whole room is full of love and gratitude – something I never had in advertising. After I was fired, people have been calling me for interviews and more professional opportunities have opened up.

scbbscreenshot15My creativity and connection to my higher self has shifted after starting the program – I’m more aware of everything. I feel more relaxed, and I am able to face my fears. I know there is a long way to go, so much to learn and develop, but I’m happy because I’m trusting more. I am accepting things easier knowing that what come after will be better. I am more aware of energies and spirits. Meditation has become my favourite activity of the day. I’m reconnecting with my drawings and my imagination. People around me are also changing. They suddenly start talking about energies and are more positive. I am able to talk more to my plants and animals.

As far as the program, Rachel is really there for her clients – involved 100%! I like the phone calls. I love how well organized the whole website is and the homework. I especially enjoy the books we read because I learn from everything. The group of people is also great – it’s a network of people who share your interests. I like when they posts about their work -- they all seem amazing!

My business is very small still, but I have done something very unique with it and many other things triggered from starting my own business. It is a place where I use my creativity to expand positive vibrations to help people to heal. I am already considering creating a new business parallel to my massage where I can use what I have learned all these years in designer and advertising to boost holistic business like Rachel’s. 

This has been amazing, but I have to thank Rachel for being there to remind me to trust fully. And that is something like jumping from an airplane with a parachute. Just... enjoy the ride!

  • Intuitive Art Academy

    “Not sure what to do?

    Do this now or else what will it cost you? If you've been in group programmes that you've been convinced to join because they made you feel like you are broken in some way and their programme will fix you.

    This is a programme that will deliver on its promises. Just like buying a shop bought dress and getting it tailored to fit. Perfect if you are turning a corner or just starting to figure out who you are and what you do that is unique.”

    United Kingdom

Listen to your real self: your heart. Did you feel expanded while learning about the Psychic Life & Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp Program? Did you see the possibility for yourself and your future?

There are always reasons to say no, but the problem is, that won’t get you any closer to where you want to be! Every obstacle can be overcome. Every fear has an opposite side of joy. If you focus on the fear, then you miss the pathway through it.

I know what it’s like to not get help, to not get out of my comfort zone, and to not invest in my business. That’s why I spent 7 long years making $200-$500 dollars a month, doing what I really loved as a hobby.

When I decided to go all in, to invest the time, the self-compassion, and the money in my offering to the world, I catapulted out of that safe space and in a few short months my monthly income increased by a factor of 10! I wasn’t even working full time yet.

Even if you stop there, wouldn’t it be worth it? What would you do with a few extra thousand dollars each month?

If that sounds like a fun ride to you. If you could use an extra cash flow like that, then make the decision to invest in yourself. You could be up and running in less than a month. The world needs you and you deserve to let your whole self shine!

Lots of love,



PS: Think about Kae. What if she had opened the tea shop - which was her logical answer to “what is my next step?” It might have been OK for a while, but it would not have fulfilled her to her depths. Energetically, she wouldn’t have magnetized customers to her, and she would have still wondered what to do - possibly making it back to art a few years and thousands of dollars of infrastructure and inventory later. If you want to cut straight to the heart - your soul - then join us.

Got some Questions? Get some answers!

Is registration open now?

Yes! We have an ongoing enrollment. That means you can join whenever you want. Come on in!

Do you offer refunds?

No. I don’t offer refunds because this work is hard. It will push your buttons, you’ll want to give up at times, and I want to stand strong for you! You are surpassing yourself in this program and I’m here to be your rock. 

I'm so busy, do I have to do everything?

Nope! Your intuition will guide the way for you. If you feel excited by this program, then only do what you have time to do when you’re in. You may even find that time opens up for you when you commit to being your best self.

Can I speak with you before signing up?

Yes! If you want to discuss joining the membership with me, please email to make an appointment.

Choose your investment option:

Monthly Access

Get it all for 1 Month


per month, cancel anytime

Includes one month of access to the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp and to all of the courses listed above.

1 Year Access

Save Money Option


per year, cancel anytime

Includes one year of access the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp and to all courses listed above.

Yearly Access Paid Monthly

Monthly Payments for 1 Year


per month, 12 month minimum

Includes one year of access the Soul-Centered Business Bootcamp and to all courses listed above.